While we all agree that workers’ safety is important, there are many situations that occur at a workplace that can be difficult to predict. For true injury prevention, one needs to consider both physical and cognitive states of a worker as well as the actual work environment that can pose a risk.
Cassia Networks has recently collaborated with multiple companies who are interested in reducing the risk of injury for their employees. In one instance, the solution involves wearable watches to monitor a range of irregularities to:
- Prevent heat strokes
- Detect inattentive behavior
- Detect fall and tumble
With the most recent record high temperatures, there is a rising awareness for the safety of workers. Workers who are particularly vulnerable to heat strokes are those who work in fields such as agriculture, construction, or transportation. They are not only exposed to extreme temperatures, but also poor air quality and disease-carrying pests. Another category is workers who may work in hot indoor facilities such as manufacturing plants and warehouses. Finally, emergency response workers like police officers, firefighters and paramedics are involved in dangerous tasks and have to deal with extreme climate changes during wildfires or floods.
Another important step in the prevention of injuries at a workplace is an early detection of the decline in cognitive abilities. It can send alarms that a worker is in distress or experiencing difficulties. If not recognized on time, a decline in cognitive abilities can lead to injuries particularly if workers use sharp tools or heavy machinery in their daily work.
Cassia Networks technology is designed to address all the above concerns and is very versatile. Cassia Networks gateway can collect information through a variety of wearable devices and send it to the cloud. The server on the cloud analyzes the collected information and sends SOS messages to the administration terminal as well as the worker. The technology is accessible and easy to use. Administration terminals are compatible with PCs, tablets, and smartphones; additionally, a signal tower can be installed. Moreover, the amount of activity can be determined from the worker’s current vital data as well and the current indoor/outdoor work location of the worker can be measured and displayed on the management screen in real time, allowing for a quick response to emergencies.
To inquire about Cassia Networks solutions for your workers’ safety program contact our team at sales@cassianetworks.com.
Referenced Work
- United States Environmental Protection Agency. 2023. “Climate Change and the Health of Workers.” Retrieved from https://www.epa.gov/climateimpacts/climate-change-and-health-workers#:~:text=These%20changes%20can%20put%20indoor,chance%20of%20injury%20or%20death.